Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Jacob Daniel. Fourteen. I can’t believe it. As I think about what to write to you today on your birthday, my eyes fill with tears and my heart can’t contain the love and joy that you bring into my life. You are such an amazing kid and I think that so many people overlook that or don’t know it because of your laid back nature. However, please know that I know how amazing you are and I am confident that you can and will surprise us all!

When I think back over your childhood I think of a super skinny and hairy little infant who did nothing but sleep. (And also that you were the most painful of all my births, you’re welcome).Then I think of you in your Winnie the Pooh and Thomas the Tank Engine underoos. You hated wearing clothes and ran around in underwear as much as you could get away with it. (You’re welcome, again.) You loved Thomas the Tank engine and Veggie Tales and loved nothing more than lining up all of your “people” and trains in a long line around the living room rug. You looked up to your brother Zech and called him “Gacky” for years. I also think of you in your boy scout uniform with your pants pulled up and your belt pulled as tight as you could get it to keep your pants on your skinny frame. You wore all of your pants that way. You never believed me when I told you that when you did that, it made your pants three inches too short. You sported that style for years until stores started making those elastic pulls with buttons in the waistline. They were created just for you, the tall and really skinny kids. You were a sight in elementary school with your pants hiked up as high as you could get them. But you didn’t care, you wanted them that way, you were comfortable and that was that.

This brings me to the fact that you, Jacob Daniel, are the world’s MOST stubborn person alive. I don’t say that lightly because I come from a long line of stubborn. But you Jake, you take the cake. When you were younger if we went toe to toe about an issue you would rather DIE than back down. You hate it when things don’t seem “fair” and you dig in your heels and never give up. There were times when I had to just walk away for fear of the world ending from the sheer force of our stubborn personalities colliding. However, if that was the end of the story, we would all be in trouble. Luckily, you rarely, if ever give anyone an ounce of trouble and those struggles are few and far between.

You really do strive to be a good person and do the right thing. I have watched you grow into the most amazing person since we arrived in Waterford. You have certainly thrived in our new family and community. When I dropped you off for your first day of sixth grade, I cried. I cried because you were the new kid and because it was your first day of middle school and because you seemed so little and not yet ready for the big school full of strangers that you were facing. But I didn’t need to worry at all. You made friends quickly and easily and loved being at Pierce. You have developed a very special friendship with your new cousin Drew and many others. You fit right in and one would never guess that you were the new kid on the block. You have also grown about 7 inches and are now taller than me and your older brother. What’s that about kid?

I particularly have loved watching your relationship with Monte develop. You two crack me up with your antics and road trips to 7-11 for slurpies. You are always willing to volunteer to help him with whatever he needs and more importantly, you have helped to make him feel a part of the Lakatos Five Family with your quiet acceptance and kindness. I love watching you do father/son things and know that the bond you have forged will help guide you throughout your life.

You love to talk but you don’t talk about deep things or tell me much. I have to really listen to hear what you are saying and even if it doesn’t seem like it, I am always listening. In some ways I think your thoughts and feelings run far deeper than we all realize but you don’t wear them out there on your sleeve. You live you life, day in and day out being content and happy and at peace. You do the right thing, you are dependable and responsible, you make friends wherever you go, and you make the best out of what life brings you. You are thankful and grateful (most of the time) and happy.

You have expressed how excited you are to enter high school next year and I find myself once again watching from the sidelines, in disbelief that it’s time for you to enter the next phase in your life. However, I am also excited with you because I know you will love high school and everything it has to offer you. I can’t wait to see what the next four years bring us. I pray that you experience nothing but happiness and success! But if you do not, we are here for you. That’s a promise.

I love you Jakey. You are a true gift to me and to our entire family. Happy Birthday!

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